Python 中的 numpy.load()
语法: numpy.load(file,mmap_mode=None,allow_pickle=True,fix_imports=True,编码='ASCII ')
参数: 文件::类似文件的对象、字符串或 pathlib。路径。要读取的文件。类似文件的对象必须支持 seek()和 read()方法。 mmap_mode : 如果不是无,则使用给定的模式对文件进行内存映射(模式的详细描述见 numpy.memmap】)。 allow_pickle : 允许加载存储在 npy 文件中的酸洗对象数组。 fix_imports : 仅在 Python 3 上加载 Python 2 生成的腌制文件时有用,其中包括包含对象数组的 npy/npz 文件。 编码:仅在 Python 3 中加载 Python 2 生成的腌制文件时有用,其中包括包含对象数组的 npy/npz 文件。
返回:文件中存储的数据。为了。对于 npz 文件,必须关闭 NpzFile 类的返回实例,以避免泄漏文件描述符。
# Python program explaining
# load() function
import numpy as geek
a = geek.array(([i + j for i in range(3)
for j in range(3)]))
# a is printed.
print("a is:")
print(a)'geekfile', a)
print("the array is saved in the file geekfile.npy")
# the array is saved in the file geekfile.npy
b = geek.load('geekfile.npy')
# the array is loaded into b
print("b is:")
# b is printed from geekfile.npy
print("b is printed from geekfile.npy")
a is:
[0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4]
the array is saved in the file geekfile.npy
b is:
[0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4]
b is printed from geekfile.npy
# Python program explaining
# load() function
import numpy as geek
# a and b are numpy arrays.
a = geek.array(([i + j for i in range(3)
for j in range(3)]))
b = geek.array([i + 1 for i in range(3)])
# a and b are printed.
print("a is:")
print("b is:")
# a and b are stored in geekfile.npz
geek.savez('geekfile.npz', a = a, b = b)
print("a and b are stored in geekfile.npz")
# compressed file is loaded
c = geek.load('geekfile.npz')
print("after loading...")
print("a is:", c['a'])
print("b is:", c['b'])
a is:
[0 1 2 1 2 3 2 3 4]
b is:
[1 2 3]
a and b are stored in geekfile.npz
after loading...
a is: [0 1 2 1 2 3 2 3 4]
b is: [1 2 3]