
将 Python 字典转换为 NumPy 数组的不同方法

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/different-way-convert-a-python-dictionary-a-numpy-array/

在本文中,我们将看到使用 NumPy 库将 python 字典转换为 Numpy 数组的不同方法。有时需要将 Python 中的字典转换成 NumPy 数组,Python 提供了一种有效的方法来执行这个操作。将字典转换为 NumPy 数组会产生一个保存字典键值对的数组。


方法 1: 使用 numpy.array()T5】一起列出理解

语法:numpy . array(object dtype = None *** copy = True order = 'K' subok = False ndmin = 0


我们已经使用 np.array() 将字典转换为 nd 数组。为了将字典的每个值作为输入到 np.array()的列表,使用了列表理解的概念。


蟒蛇 3

# importing required librariess
import numpy as np
from ast import literal_eval

# creating class of string
name_list = """{
   "column0": {"First_Name": "Akash",
   "Second_Name": "kumar", "Interest": "Coding"},

   "column1": {"First_Name": "Ayush",
   "Second_Name": "Sharma", "Interest": "Cricket"},

   "column2": {"First_Name": "Diksha",
   "Second_Name": "Sharma","Interest": "Reading"},

   "column3": {"First_Name":" Priyanka",
   "Second_Name": "Kumari", "Interest": "Dancing"}

print("Type of name_list created:\n",

# converting string type to dictionary
t = literal_eval(name_list)

# printing the original dictionary
print("\nPrinting the original Name_list dictionary:\n",

print("Type of original dictionary:\n",

# converting dictionary to numpy array
result_nparra = np.array([[v[j] for j in ['First_Name', 'Second_Name',
                                          'Interest']] for k, v in t.items()])

print("\nConverted ndarray from the Original dictionary:\n",

# printing the type of converted array
print("Type:\n", type(result_nparra))


创建的名称列表类型: <类“str”>

正在打印原始 Name_list 字典: {“column 0”:{“First _ Name”:“Akash”、“Second _ Name”:“Kumar”、“Interest”:“Coding”}、 “column 1”:{“First _ Name”:“Ayush”、“Second _ Name”:“Sharma”、“Interest”:“Cricket”}、 “column 2”:{“First _ Name”:“Diksha”、“Second _ Name”:“Sharma”、“Interest”:“Reading”}、 “column 3”:{“First _ Name”:“priyank”

从原始字典转换而来的数组: [“阿卡什”“库马尔”“编码”] [“阿尤什”“夏尔马”“蟋蟀”] [“迪克沙”“夏尔马”“阅读”] [“普里扬卡”“活女神”“跳舞”] 类型: <类“numpy . ndarray”>

方法二:使用 numpy.array( )和T5】dictionary _ obj . items()

我们已经使用 np.array() 将字典转换为 nd 数组。为了获得字典的每个值作为 np.array()方法的输入列表,使用了 dictionary_obj.items()


蟒蛇 3

# importing library
import numpy as np

# creating dictionary as key as 
# a number and value as its cube
dict_created = {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 8, 3: 27,
                4: 64, 5: 125, 6: 216}

# printing type of dictionary created

# converting dictionary to 
# numpy array 
res_array = np.array(list(dict_created.items()))

# printing the converted array

# printing type of converted array


<class 'dict'>
[[  0   0]
[  1   1]
[  2   8]
[  3  27]
[  4  64]
[  5 125]
[  6 216]]
<class 'numpy.ndarray'>
