
使用 NumPy


原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/count-特定月份的天数-使用-numpy/

为了统计特定月份的天数,我们将使用 numpy 模块的 numpy.datetime64() 方法。


Input: month = 2; year = 2016
Output: 29 days

Input: month = 12; year = 2020
Output: 31 days

假设我们要计算天数的月份是 P ,下个月是 N. 我们将从该月的第一个日期 N 中减去该月的第一个日期 P 。在 numpy.datetime64() 方法中实现。


除 12 月以外的所有月份:

numpy.datetime64('yyyy-N-01') - numpy.datetime64(yyyy-P-01')

12 月份:

numpy.datetime64('yyyy-P-31') - numpy.datetime64(yyyy-P-01') + 1

以下是描述如何使用 numpy 模块计算特定月份天数的各种示例:


在本例中,我们将找到 2016 年 2 月的天数。

蟒蛇 3

# import module
import numpy

# explicit function to calculate
# number of days
def calcDays(month, year):
    date = 0

    # December case
    if month == 12:
        end = str(year)+'-'+str(month)+'-31'
        begin = str(year)+'-'+str(month)+'-01'
        date = 1

        # single digit months
        if month < 10:
            endM = '-0'+str(month+1)
            beginM = '-0'+str(month)

        # double digit months
            endM = '-'+str(month+1)
            beginM = '-'+str(month)

        end = str(year)+endM+'-01'
        begin = str(year)+beginM+'-01'

    # return number of days
    return (numpy.datetime64(end) - numpy.datetime64(begin)+date)

# Driver Code

# get month
month = 2

# get year
year = 2016

# call the function
print(calcDays(month, year))


29 days

例 2:

在这里,我们将找到 2001 年 4 月的天数。

蟒蛇 3

# import module
import numpy

# explicit function to calculate
# number of days
def calcDays(month, year):
    date = 0

    # December case
    if month == 12:
        end = str(year)+'-'+str(month)+'-31'
        begin = str(year)+'-'+str(month)+'-01'
        date = 1

        # single digit months
        if month < 10:
            endM = '-0'+str(month+1)
            beginM = '-0'+str(month)

        # double digit months
            endM = '-'+str(month+1)
            beginM = '-'+str(month)

        end = str(year)+endM+'-01'
        begin = str(year)+beginM+'-01'

    # return number of days
    return (numpy.datetime64(end) - numpy.datetime64(begin)+date)

# Driver Code

# get month
month = 4

# get year
year = 2001

# call the function
print(calcDays(month, year))


30 days


在下面的程序中,我们将找到 2021 年 12 月的天数。

蟒蛇 3

# import module
import numpy

# explicit function to calculate
# number of days
def calcDays(month, year):
    date = 0

    # December case
    if month == 12:
        end = str(year)+'-'+str(month)+'-31'
        begin = str(year)+'-'+str(month)+'-01'
        date = 1

        # single digit months
        if month < 10:
            endM = '-0'+str(month+1)
            beginM = '-0'+str(month)

        # double digit months
            endM = '-'+str(month+1)
            beginM = '-'+str(month)

        end = str(year)+endM+'-01'
        begin = str(year)+beginM+'-01'

    # return number of days
    return (numpy.datetime64(end) - numpy.datetime64(begin)+date)

# Driver Code

# get month
month = 12

# get year
year = 2021

# call the function
print(calcDays(month, year))


31 days
